Elimelech Sears

Twin Rivers, New Jersey

October 12, 2018

Sears, who hails from New Jersey, attended Yeshiva Chaim Berlin high school and then Chofetz Chaim in Israel for a year. His oldest brother is a lawyer and his second brother learns in LCM’s beis meidrash. “They came out really well,” he said. He summarized his own reasons for choosing LCM. “Good place, good guys, good rebbeim.” Sears is planning on becoming an accountant.

“I want to be able to learn how to balance working and learning at the same time,” explained Sears about his goals for his time at LCM. “As life goes on, it just gets crazier so better to learn those skills when life is simpler and all you have to worry about is classes.”

For the last four summers Sears worked for Travelling Tykes, an inflatable ride company that set up carnivals in Jewish camps in Upstate New York. “It’s hard work but really rewarding at the end of the day,” said Sears. “You’ve made a lot of kids happy.”