Chanukah Mesiba: An Appreciative Crew Rocks the House
Torah, tournaments and the beat.
December 12, 2012
To get into the spirit of Chanukah and prepare for the mesiba, Rabbi Doniel Lander, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Or Hachaim and Chancellor of Touro College, gave a dvar torah on the necessity of owning the Chanukah candles/oil you light: it is the owner of the oil that can express his appreciation and truly give thanks.
And then it was up to the 4th floor for great food (Carlos & Gabby’s), music that rocked the house (the Lander Band, of course) and enthusiastic dancing (seems every Rebbe and student were accounted for). Topping the night off was the menorah contest, with Aryeh Shachter taking home the grand prize ($100) for his menorah modeled after the beis medrash.