Freshman Hike 2012
What better way to start your college journey than on a hiking trail?
About forty five students, faculty and administration attended the annual Lander College for Men (LCM) Freshman Orientation Hike at Fort Lee Historic Park by the George Washington Bridge.
During the four-hour jaunt, they traversed through the woods while climbing and descending a series of steep steps, deftly avoiding poison ivy, enjoying a breathtaking view, lunching, playing both frisbee and touch football. They emerged having gotten to know each other a little better (and with only one minor injury). Following the hike, the students returned to LCM for a barbeque, giving them a last opportunity to relax before their first classes began the next day. Dean Moshe Sokol led the way and was joined by new faculty-member and chair of the English department Matthew Zarnowiecki, as well as Dr. Leib Litman and Dr. Alan Perry, both professors of psychology. Ariel Kopitnikoff, director of student life, and Josh Sturm, assistant to the menahel, were part of the bonding experience, too.