Prospective Students get Taste of LCM with Melave Malkah in Israel
75 Yeshiva Bochrim Enjoy Night Filled with Torah, Music and Dancing
The first thing every prospective LCM student ought to know is that he will receive a top-notch education. But as 75 students who came to the recent melave malkah in Israel learned, they can also expect Torah, chevra, ruach and a whole lot of food.
In addition to a fully-catered meal, the yeshiva students were treated to a live performance by famed musician Shlomo Katz, prompting everyone to break out in spirited dancing at the Zvhill Beis Medrash Hall in the Bais Yisroel neighborhood of Yerushalayim. Rabbi Sacks made the trip and gave an inspiring and profound d’var Torah about faith, ahavas Hashem and yiras Hashem. Dr. Sokol talked about the challenges of using the wisdom of secular culture, noting that B’nei Yisrael took klei kesef v’zahav out of Egypt, which they used to build both the Eigel HaZahav as well as the Mishkan. Similarly, he said, the lessons of Western Culture can be used for good or bad purposes and it’s our responsibility to make sure we use those lessons correctly.
The melave malkah was organized by LCM Israel representative Rabbi Lavey Freedman who, along with a few alumni and current students, provided much of the ruach, leaving the prospective students to imagine what it would be like to celebrate with the 180 Lander guys back in Queens.