Shabbos Went Out Smoothie
Last week's in-Shabbos was an Ask the Rabbi and smoothie bonanza
February 04, 2013
What is daas Torah? Should one wear techeiles? What should be our attitude towards the medina? Why do chazal seem to change around different stories in Tanach, particularly ones about great people sinning? And would you like to try ice cream on your pizza? A blueberry waffle with a scoop of ice cream? A little strawberry in your ice-cream smoothie? Some waffle with your M&M’s?
This past week’s in-Shabbos was inquisitive and cool. Students asked a panel of three rabbis - Rabbi Dovid Mirsky, Rabbi Ephraim Tannenbaum and Rabbi Rafael Shmulewitz (moderated by Shlomo Frager) - any questions they had. And motzei Shabbos was a culinary adventure, with attendees whipping up waffles and smoothies from an array of toppings and fillers (and pizza).