For the marathon around the camp, Tzvi Malks proved that slow and steady does indeed win the race, as everyone else sprinted and petered out but he continued on to victory. Ira Suss won the Homerun Derby with over 20 homeruns (it’s a complicated calculation). Next time we’ll invite the scouts.

The Kabbalos Shabbos Quartet was so inspiring last in-shabbos that Tzvi Norowitz, Yonatan Feldman, Josh Goldstein and Daniel Fried did it again. That’s what davening is meant to be.

Rabbi Moshe Krupka shared an inspirational dvar torah with a powerful story by Rabbi Gifter; Rabbi Sacks spoke about getting ready for Kabbalas HaTorah and that ultimately we need help from above in everything we do; and Rabbi Shmulewitz taught us the true meaning of a “fishing story” in his entertaining and inspiring drasha.

For the big basketball tournament motzei Shabbos, chavrusas paired up and played against each other. The dynamic chavrusa duo of Yehuda Azose and Lior Goldstein, from Rabbi Sacks’ shiur, won the day, beating out Eitan Bass and Gavriel Harosh from Rabbi Shmulewitz’s shiur. Everyone celebrated with a midnight snack of ice cream and pizza. And then it was back to Queens to prepare for all-night Shavuos learning (and finals).

Until next year!