The day program schedule starts with seder in the morning and ends with seder at night. College classes are Monday-Thursday, 3-8pm, and there are many clubs, student organizations, and activities, including in-shabbosim. The guys come from as far as Chile, England, Panama, Toronto, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, St Louis, and Boca, and as close as Great Neck, 5 Towns and Teaneck. In Israel they’ve learned at Mevaseret, Lev HaTorah, Reishit, Yishrei Lev, Shaalvim, HaKotel, Torah Shraga, Netiv Aryeh, and KBY, and they come to Lander to get a college education and prepare for professional careers, while continuing to learn with that close chevra feel.

At Lander College for Men, students learn for life. Our Beis Medrash L’Talmud college program offers a dual curriculum that prepares you for a successful career and provides warmth and chevra as you continue your Torah study. Evening division students enjoy flexible college classes in a Torah environment, comfortable for yeshiva students and graduates.
Why Beis Medrash L’Talmud College Program?

Serious Torah Study
Led by the Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Yonason Sacks, we have shiurim for every skills level so you can continue to grow in your Torah learning.
Strong Academics
You’ll work hard, but you’ll have the support you need, and be prepared for your next step – the CPA exam, medical or graduate school, software engineer interviews, or whatever you’re looking for after Lander.
In the beis medrash, on the quad, in your dorm, or an in-shabbos; at a club hour majors chabura, motzei shabbos sushi making, pre-finals snacks, or chagigah, you’ll find your chevra.
Professional Success
We set you up for professional success. Beyond what you learn in the classroom, our faculty, career services, and alumni network work with you to make sure you’re ready for your career. You’ll have an opportunity to explore careers, network with alumni, and prepare for interviews.
Why the Evening Division?

Closer to home, our evening division guys learn more locally during the day. You might find them in the batei medrash of Ohr HaChaim, Shor Yashuv, or Chofetz Chaim during the day and they live in the NYC area. They come to Lander Monday and Wednesdays 6pm-11pm for college classes to prepare for professional careers. Classes are small and taught by caring and accomplished faculty. The evening program has its own student government that plans programs and events for evening students.

Torah Environment
You’re taking college classes with your fellow yeshiva students on a campus that shares your values and respects them.
Student Life
Specific evening division student government that plans activities – and snacks! – tailored for evening division students.
Flexible & Supportive
Class schedules allow you to maximize your time in your yeshiva. Our administration and faculty are here to help you.
Career Prep
Our college classes give you the foundation you need to go on to professional success. Career services is available to help with your next steps.
Lander Torah
Audio and video shiurim produced by The Lander College for Men/Beis Medrash L’Talmud
You can also get shiurim on the Lander Torah website
landertorah.comReady for Success
(DESCRIPTION) Montage of Lander College for Men students in the best midrash, labs, and class.
(STUDENT) I chose Lander College for Men because I wanted to continue that learning that I had in yeshiva while also being able to pursue a degree.
(DESCRIPTION) Students learning in a large beis midrash. Student speaks to the camera in a classroom setting.
(STUDENT) When I enter the Beis Medrash in the morning, there's this awesome vibe, this ruach that everyone's getting involved in.
(TEXT) Rabbi Dr. Moshe Sokol, Dean
(DESCRIPTION) Rabbi Dr. Sokol speaks to the camera in a library setting.
(DEAN SOKOL) Students come here because we have a terrific track record of getting students into medical schools and dental schools.
(DESCRIPTION) LCM students tour Touro’s Medical and Dental schools. Student speaks to the camera in a classroom setting.
(STUDENT) Here at Lander, I feel my classes are very rigorous and really preparing me for my future.
(DESCRIPTION) Professors who are wearing kippahs are present in the classroom.
(TEXT) HaRav Yonasan Sacks, Rosh HaYeshiva
(DESCRIPTION) Rabbi Yonasan Sacks speaks to the camera in an office setting.
(RABBI SACKS) I often tell the talmidim, the most important decisions that they're going to be making in life, they're going to making when they're with us.
(TEXT) Rav Yosef Sonnenschein, Menahel
(DESCRIPTION) Rabbi Yosef Sonnenschein speaks to the camera in a library setting, then learns with students.
(RABBI SONNENSCHEIN) Our goal here is to give over a sense that a yeshiva is not just a place to gather information, but a yeshiva is a place where a person absorbs a way of life.
(DESCRIPTION) Students working closely with a professor in a lab and classroom setting.
(STUDENT) My classes are super rigorous and serious.
(STUDENT) The pass rating for the CPA in Lander is one of the highest in New York City.
(DESCRIPTION) Students work diligently in class.
(STUDENT) It helps prepare me to apply to grad schools and med schools.
(DESCRIPTION) Frum professors, wearing a kippah, teaching class.
(STUDENT) Most of my professors are religious, which is really nice because we have the opportunity to connect with them on a religious level.
(DESCRIPTION) Students learn in a Beis MIdrash. Student speaks to the camera in a classroom setting.
(STUDENT) They have chavrusas with different guys. People that are also your teachers can also be your role models in how you want to emulate your life. Guys are going over to them all the time, asking them questions about how are we supposed to be a frum Jew in some of these firms.
(DESCRIPTION) Students interact with their Jewish professors in one-on-one settings.
(STUDENT) You can really build a relationship that will take you beyond Lander College for Men, and will really stay with you.
(DESCRIPTION) Montage of students working in a lab, speaking with professors, and talking with the dean in the hall way. Rabbi Yonasan Sacks speaks to the camera in an office setting.
(RABBI SACKS) We measure our success not simply in terms of how many blat we cover, but by the relationships that we forged with talmidim.
(DESCRIPTION) Rabbi Sacks walks with students outdoors, deep in friendly conversation.
(STUDENT) I really feel like I found a rabbi who really cares and he really, really, wants to see you grow in your learning.
(DESCRIPTION) A montage of different rabbis teaching shiur at LCM. Student speaks to the camera in a classroom setting.
(STUDENT) There's so many different shiurim that I think everyone can find their place, whether you're looking for, you know, a little more technical style shiur or a little bit more broad it can really appeal to such a wide variety of people coming out of yeshiva.
One of the things that I really appreciate most at Lander has been the career services.
(DESCRIPTION) A student meets with Mrs. Jodi Smolen in the career services department, going over his resume. Their conversation is friendly and professional. Dean Sokol speaks to the camera in a library setting.
(DEAN SOKOL) Career services assists students in preparing resumes, works with students on interview skills, maintains close contact with our in excess of a thousand alumni.
(DESCRIPTION) Student speaks to the camera in a lab setting.
(STUDENT) They have an alumni networking program So I was set up with a doctor in Israel. Through that, I was able to ask different questions and get insight.
(DESCRIPTION) Student speaks to the camera in a classroom setting. Students interacting with each other and professors teaching.
(STUDENT) Helping us get interviews and really making connections that are going to be what gets us our jobs and really gets us into the workforce.
(DESCRIPTION) Students hang out in a lounge area, interacting in a friendly way. Student speaks to the camera in a lab setting.
(STUDENT) I've really been able to make friends, people who care about their professional studies, and also people who care immensely about learning and growing their yiddishkeit.
And these are friendships that you'll have with you for the rest of your life.
(DESCRIPTION) Montage of students involved with friends in the dorm, at a kumsitz, bowling, sports at the retreat, ping pong on the 4th floor, dancing at a chagigah, interacting in a friendly and happy way.
(STUDENT) I came into Lander with a few friends, but something that was really amazing was all the friends that I made from all over the country.
(STUDENT) The extracurriculars here at Lander, they range from the clubs. the gym for students to work out.
(DESCRIPTION) Montage of students playing chess, building robots, playing instruments, playing soccer, and running on treadmills and exercising in the gym.
(STUDENT) The dorm life here is awesome. It's a legitimate apartment. It's beautiful.
You have all the space you need. You have a full kitchen.
(DESCRIPTION) Student enters a dorm apartment, unlocking the front door with the key. The dorm is used by the students living there: playing board games, cooking food, and washing dishes.
(STUDENT) Being in the dorms has really helped me become more independent.
(DEAN SOKOL) Touro has its own medical school dental school, many different schools of health sciences.
(DESCRIPTION) LCM students tour Touro’s graduate medical schools, asking questions of current students touring the buildings.
(TEXT) LCM students receive tours of Touro’s medical and dental schools.
(DESCRIPTION) Dean Sokol speaks to the camera in a library setting.
(DEAN SOKOL) And these all provide opportunities for our students because students who apply from Lander College from Men have a bit of a foot in the door in Touro’s panoply of graduate and professional schools.
(DESCRIPTION) Montage of happy students interacting in the hallway, in class, studying for exams, enjoying extracurriculars, and learning in the Beis Medrash.
(STUDENT) If you're looking for a place with serious learning, if you're looking for a place with serious academics, that's going to land you a great career, then Lander College is the place for you.
[music fades out]
Breaking into the Big Four
A Lander College for Men Alum Finds Success in the Most Prestigious Accounting Firms
Finding Faith in the Accounting World
Zachary Stern Relies on Lessons He Learned at Lander College for Men to Build His Own Boutique Tax Accounting Firm
When Insurance Companies Need Answers, They Call LCM Alum Nathaniel Yankelev
Valedictorian of 2012 Finds Success in the Actuarial World and Continues Learning
Brothers That Study Together, Will Practice Together
Brothers Baruch and Benji Bloom Attend Touro College of Dental Medicine Together and Dream of Opening a Joint Practice