About Lander College for Men

Lander College for Men provide a singular opportunity for young men who are as determined to succeed as they are devoted to Torah values, and looking for a warm, supportive environment. We have two programs, our Lander College for Men Beis Medrash L'Talmud program known as our day program, and our Evening Division for college studies at night.

Day program students smiling while reading torah

Our day program students are on campus full-time in a dual curriculum program where they build the skills in balance and dedication they’ll need throughout their lives as they juggle family, Torah, and careers. Day program students are in our beis medrash in the morning and evening where they expand and deepen their knowledge of Torah, and take college courses in the afternoon to prepare for professional careers. Many of our day program students live on campus for a fully immersive college campus life experience. Some of our day program students commute each day. 

Our evening division students want to take college classes within a supportive and Torah-rich environment, with frum guys like them. They are learning in other yeshivas during the day and commute to campus in the evening for our challenging academic programs that prepare them for professional careers.

In both our programs we are responsive to our students, the student life and activities are vibrant, our academic programs are demanding and crafted to prepare you for your next step, and our expert faculty are supportive and available.

Students Who Succeed

Our students are passionate and focused—their skill in learning is matched only by their love of learning. A good part of the day is spent in shiur or preparing for it – whether in Beis Medrash L’Talmud or elsewhere, with college classes in the afternoons or evening. The academic and intellectual challenges are rigorous and the schedule is demanding.

Though our students come from many different areas and circumstances, all of our students have a few things in common: exceptional academic performance, a strong commitment to learning, and ambitious career goals. Most of our students have one or more years of post-high school study in Israel, or a US yeshiva.

Four students sitting in class

Wherever you come from, whatever your interests, the dedicated rebbeim, faculty, and staff at Lander College for Men will work to ensure that while you are here, you are home. 

All of our programs and offerings are designed with you in mind. We are committed to nurturing each student’s individual growth and achievement while fostering an atmosphere of warmth, camaraderie, and belonging.

Community and Camaraderie

We are a small, tight-knit community, brought together by our shared values and our devotion to Torah and klal yisrael. We encourage and challenge one another to think deeply, speak clearly, and continually grow. Leading us by example, our deans, roshei yeshiva, rebbeim, and faculty are truly invested in the well-being of every student. Together, we cultivate an atmosphere charged with intelligent conversation and rigorous Talmudic debate. The warmth of the tisch, and the comfort of home are the feelings on campus whichever program you attend, and whether you live on campus or commute.

Students Come First

Three students learning from faculty member

At Lander College for Men your ideas will be heard, your goals respected and achieved.

Our support for our students is unequivocal because we want everyone to thrive, in yeshiva, in class, and in life. It is our highest goal to instill in students the confidence, skill, and strength of principle to excel in their career, remain committed to learning, and to become leaders in their communities.