Dora Golding Shabbaton

May 11, 2018 9:00am – May 13, 2018 11:00am ET
05/11/18 9:00 AM 05/13/18 11:00 AM Dora Golding Shabbaton Camp Dora Golding Dora Golding Shabbaton
Camp Dora Golding

Join fellow students and alumni for the annual Dora Golding Shabbaton. 

The highlights include:

Friday Afternoon:

1) Homerun Derby, judged by Rabbi Shmulewitz. First place prize: professional MLB baseball bat signed by all of your Rabbeim.

2) The Dora Golding Run around the lake, with a $50 nike gift card for first place.

3) Tennis Tournament, with a $50 Adidas gift card  for first palce.


Motzei Shabbos:

1) The 2 on 2 Annual Chavrusa Basketball Tournament

2) Chevra Volleyball