In Shabbos with Rabbi Shmulewitz

December 14, 2018 4:30pm – December 15, 2018 9:30pm ET
12/14/18 4:30 PM 12/15/18 9:30 PM In Shabbos with Rabbi Shmulewitz In Shabbos with Rabbi Shmulewitz

This in Shabbos in Yeshiva, we introduce you to a Shabbos spectacular with Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shmulewitz.

Pre-Shabbos hot kugel for all those learning 45 minutes before mincha.

Shabbos Night after the Seudah: The Famous Cholent Cook-Off

Shabbos Day Kidush: The Grand Dessert Competition

Deluxe Shalosh Seudos with Rabbi Shmulewitz

Melava Malka followed by 2018/19 Lander’s Got Talent