In Shabbos with the Mashgiach

September 1, 2017 12:00pm – September 2, 2017 11:00pm ET
09/1/17 12:00 PM 09/2/17 11:00 PM In Shabbos with the Mashgiach LCM In Shabbos with the Mashgiach

Stay in Yeshiva this Shabbos and enjoy an amazing weekend with your friends!

On Friday the SGO will be hosting a "bowling extravaganza" at JIB lanes. 

The Mashgiach will be in Yeshiva throughout the Shabbos, enhancing the Tefilos, giving the Drasha, and having the Seudah with the Yeshiva. There will be a Tisch on Friday night after the meal with the Mashgiach.

And then on Motzei Shabbos there will be a Melavah Malkah and show by Ronnie Baras, renowned hypnotist and mentalist.