LCM Chanukah Mesibah

December 8, 2015 7:00pm – 10:00pm ET
12/8/15 7:00 PM 12/8/15 10:00 PM LCM Chanukah Mesibah 4th floor LCM Chanukah Mesibah
4th floor
75-31 150th Street, Kew Gardens Hills, NY 11367

Come join your fellow classmates, alumni, and faculty on the third night of Chanukah at the upcoming Mesibah!

7:00 pm - DIY Doughnut Making

7:15 pm - First Dance

7:45 pm - Seudas Chanukah 

8:15 pm - Second Dance

8:45 pm - Dessert and Menorah Contest

9:15 pm - Kumzits & Divrei Torah

10:00 pm- Maariv



Each buliding's members, led by their RA, will be granted one entry of a cool-crazy-awesome menorah at this year's Chanukah Mesiba. The menorahs will be judged based on the following categories: creativity, humor, kashrus, teamwork and uniqueness. 

Grand Prize: The winning building will receive a dinner for all at Elite Cafe!