The Challenges of Transmitting Our Mesorah: Past, Present, Future

June 15, 2014 10:00am ET
06/15/14 10:00 AM The Challenges of Transmitting Our Mesorah: Past, Present, Future Agudas Yisroel Bircas Yaakov of Passaic Park The Challenges of Transmitting Our Mesorah: Past, Present, Future
Agudas Yisroel Bircas Yaakov of Passaic Park
262 Terhune Ave., Passaic NJ 07055

מה הוא אף אתה: Teaching Torah Values

Presented by Rabbi Yonason Sacks
Rosh HaYeshiva Beis Medrash L’Talmud / Lander College for Men

Rabbi Yonason Sacks, Rosh HaYeshiva of Beis Medrash L’Talmud / Lander College for Men, is a leading posek and author of over 20 seforim. For the last quarter century, Rabbi Sacks has been a leading figure in harbatzos ha’Torah as a Rosh Yeshiva and Rebbe. He has been the Rav of Agudas Yisroel Bircas Yaakov in Passaic, NJ for more than 20 years.

Talmud Torah: Our Responsibility for Future Generations

Presented by Rabbi Eliyahu Soloveichik  
Rosh Yeshiva Beis Medrash L’Talmud / Lander College for Men

Rabbi Eliyahu Soloveichik was a talmid of his father, the late Rabbi Ahron Soloveichik. For nearly forty years, Rabbi Soloveichik has delivered shiurim in gemara, halacha and hashkafa. For the past decade Rabbi Soloveichik has also served as the bochen for the smicha program at the Beis Medrash L’Talmud.

Lessons from the Past: Rabbi Akiva and the Death of his Talmidim

Presented by Rabbi Dr. Moshe Sokol
Dean of the Lander College for Men

Rabbi Dr. Moshe Sokol, dean of the Lander College for Men, holds a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and smicha from Yeshivat ITRI. He has published four books and dozens of articles on ethics and Jewish Studies, and is also the Rav of the Yavneh Minyan in Flatbush.

Men and women are invited and refreshments will be served.

Sponsored by Beis Medrash L'Talmud/Lander College for Men and Agudas Yisroel Bircas Yaakov of Passaic Park.