LCM Shabbaton at Camp Dora Golding!

May 16, 2014 11:00am – May 18, 2014 1:00pm ET
05/16/14 11:00 AM 05/18/14 1:00 PM LCM Shabbaton at Camp Dora Golding! Camp Dora Golding LCM Shabbaton at Camp Dora Golding!
Camp Dora Golding
Buses leave from LCM Lobby

Our annual Shabbaton at the beautiful Camp Dora Golding campus is here! There will be a Chavrusa 2-on-2 basketball tournament, home-run derby, Marathon, Divrei Torah from all the Rebbeim, amazing food, and much much more. This is a can't-miss! We look forward to seeing all students there!