Virtual Model Beis Din Competition

March 14, 2021 9:30am ET
03/14/21 9:30 AM Virtual Model Beis Din Competition Virtual Model Beis Din Competition

This one-of-a-kind tournament offers Orthodox high school students a chance to match wits and wisdom on complex halachic dilemmas. Open to high school students. Submissions are due March 14.

The annual Model Beis Din competition, hosted by Touro’s Lander College for Men, has been a highlight of the year for high school students from Atlanta to Boston. And this year we're virtual and open to student teams everywhere.

The Case: Halachic Protocols for COVID Vaccine Distribution

This year, student teams will develop principles and protocols for COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Each team will create a halachic blueprint and roadmap for this distribution. They will consider what priority, if any, should be given to healthcare personnel, workers in essential industries, people at high risk, the elderly, revered rabbonim, poskim, communal leaders, Kohanim, and Levi'im.

How to Participate

Register your team in the form below. Each team must have at least two students and a rebbe to serve as advisor.

Each team of students, along with a supervising rabbi, will write an essay making the case for their distribution plan. The essay is due March 14. After the essays are reviewed, every team will have an opportunity to meet online with HaRav Yonason Sacks shlita, esteemed Rosh HaYeshiva of Touro’s Lander College for Men—Beis Medrash L’Talmud, to present and defend their case.