Pre-Pesach Alumni Gala

March 25, 2015 8:15pm – 8:00pm ET
03/25/15 8:15 PM 03/25/15 8:00 PM Pre-Pesach Alumni Gala Lander College for Men Pre-Pesach Alumni Gala
Lander College for Men
75-31 150th Street KEW GARDENS HILLS, NY 11367

All LCM alumni are invited to a pre-Pesach gala featuring divrei chizuk by Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Yonasan Sacks ("Mei'avdus L'Cheirus: Experiencing Salvation") and a scrumptious buffet dinner catered by Carlos & Gabby's.

Reception Committee: Tzvi Eleff, Gershon Firestone, Shlomo Frager, Jacky Fruchter, Binyomin Fuchs, Ari Glatt, Jordan Kaplan, Avi Lermer, Daniel Lichter, Josh Lipschutz, Elie Norowitz, Avi Stern, Yitzy Thurm, Noah Weichselbaum, and Josh Zelman

Sponsored by Leah and Elie Norowitz ‌L'iluy Nishmas Chaya Sara bas HaRav Baruch Tzvi HaKohen, in commemoration of her 6th yahrtzeit. 

For men only. Free admission!