Siyum & Gala Breakfast!

October 27, 2015 8:40am – 9:30am ET
10/27/15 8:40 AM 10/27/15 9:30 AM Siyum & Gala Breakfast! 4th Floor, LCM Siyum & Gala Breakfast!
4th Floor, LCM
75-31 150th St, Flushing, NY 11367
Siyum and Breakfast 10.27.15

After shacharis, enjoy a hearty gala breakfast and siyum in honor of R' Bamberger's daf-yomi chabura completing Masaches Nazir. 

The chabura is beginning Maseches Sotah this Wednesday, starting at 7:00 AM, by the Mashgiach's table.