Yom Kippur and Sukkos recess

September 22, 2015 7:00am – October 11, 2015 7:00pm ET
09/22/15 7:00 AM 10/11/15 7:00 PM Yom Kippur and Sukkos recess Yom Kippur and Sukkos recess

No classes or labs from 9/22 through 2/11. School, classes, and labs resume on 9/12.

Yom Kippur Seating at LCM

This year, all seat reservations will be done at landerynseating.org. Please click here to visit the new online home of Yamim Noraim seating at Lander College for Men / Beis Medrash L'Talmud. 

Please note that several changes have been integrated into our new online format:

  1. All questions must be directed to landerynseating@gmail.comDo not email any other email addresses.
  2. Seat pricing has increased from $75/seat to $100/seat. The alumni membership discount of 50% still applies for all alumni who pay membership.
  3. All payment must now be completed online (by credit card or paypal) in order to complete seat reservations.

Today, the heartfelt and inspirational tefillos of our Makom Torah are known throughout the Kew Garden Hills community and beyond, with over 400 talmidim, LCM alumni and community members joining together each year for both Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. As the complexity of accommodating all of our mispallelim increases each year, we have created this website to hopefully facilitate a smooth and efficient process for all involved.

Thank you for davening with us and may all of your tefillos be answered l'tova!