Rabbi Dr. Bernard Lander, z’”l Beis Medrash Upgrade Campaign

LCM Beis Medrash

Walk into our Beis Medrash at any time and you can feel the energy in the room, the give and take of talmidim learning, and the dynamism of our rebbeim.

Since Lander College for Men’s Beis Medrash L'Talmud opened its doors in September 2000, the number of talmidim learning in our Beis Medrash on a daily basis has nearly quadrupled to almost 300. With growth, comes new needs. 

Please support the Rabbi Dr. Bernard Lander, z''l  Beis Medrash upgrade project, which includes the purchase of new high quality attractive and very sturdy tables to accommodate the increased number of talmidim, new book shelves, and extra services for our talmidim

Our campaign goal is $100,000. Join us in our upgrade campaign!

For more information, please contact Grant Silverstein, Director of Philanthropic Initiatives, (646) 565-6336, grant.silverstein@touro.edu.