Searching for Happiness in Adar
Adar was ushered in with a special treat. In honor of Rosh Chodesh LCM students enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast and inspiring words from the renowned Rabbi Shaya Cohen, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh and Kollel Ner Yehoshua and founder of Priority-1.
February 23, 2012
The month of Purim is most known for the phrase משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה (Mishenichnas Adar marbin b’simcha!) and Rabbi Cohen spoke about our seemingly elusive search for happiness. We live in a country, in an age, where everyone is looking for happiness and yet they can’t seem to find it. Rabbi Cohen said that happiness comes from feeling validated, from feeling that you are on the right track and doing the right thing. As Jews, through the Torah – our guide – we can reach happiness.
Chodesh Tov! (and Sameach!)