Scattered Across the Nation

Lander alumni from across the United States, and around the globe, come home to Lander.

February 18, 2014

Miami, Memphis, Dallas, Detroit, Toronto, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Baltimore. Lander alumni traveled from far and wide to attend the 5th Annual LCM Alumni Shabbaton this past President’s Day weekend. The theme was “Scattered Across the Nation” and the shabbaton was truly an ingathering of the masses.

Aryeh Young, Lander’s Alumni Director, says this was the largest alumni event to date and it was heartwarming to see the alumni and their wives and children who braved snow and rescheduled flights to be there for the event.

They came to see old friends. Especially nice was the large representation from the first graduating class, guys who hadn’t been back on campus in 15 years.

Dr. Sokol opened the weekend with some introductory remarks after Kabbalos Shabbos, saying that this is one of his favorite shabbosim of the year, seeing that Lander alumni and their families. Rav Shmulewitz spoke about aseh lecha rav, and his talmidim that weren’t able to be there dedicated the tefillas hederech sefer giveaway.

Rabbi Bamberger’s gave the Daf Yomi and led an inspirational tisch and throughout the Shabbos there were many learning opportunities with Rav Genack, Rav Soloveitchik, and Rebbetzin Tennenbaum.

A gala homemade kiddush was a collaborative effort by the Nishei Landers, the wives of the kollel men. Camp Lander and Babysitting were appreciated by the kids and the adults! Motzei Shabbos entertainment by The Improv Comedy of the National Comedy Theatre, Nachum the Clown from Uncle Moishe and the Dairy Deluxe Melava Malka were the icing of the Shabbaton.