Summer at LCM

When vacation calls, Zev Kilstein answers.

July 15, 2015

Most students who enroll in summer school, or who decide to stay on campus over vacation, lose out on several benefits that the structure of a regular yeshiva provides: a regular meal plan, plethora of social outings, and steady stream of shiurim. 

But at LCM, it’s different. For students who take summer courses, and/or simultaneously learn in LCM’s Beis Medrash L’Talmud over the summer, current kollel member Zev Kilstein (LCM ‘08),  founder of what has become affectionately known as “Camp Zev,” ensures that the only worry the talmidim have is which flavor of coffee they’d like in their morning cup. That’s because Zev handles everything—shiurim, incentives, meals, outings—to ensure LCM becomes a home away from home during vacation, even for students in other college campuses. The result? At any given day in the summer at LCM, you’ll find it buzzing with LCM talmidim, summer school students, and Queens community members.