Chanukah at LCM

This year, Lander College for Men celebrated Chanukah to the max. With do-it-yourself donuts, a rocking Menorah contest, and our very own Chanukah miracle, it’s no wonder that students and faculty called this year’s mesibah the greatest one yet. Here, get the lowdown on everything that went on.

December 16, 2015

The dancing was spirited, and “the joy and exuberance in the room was simply electric,” said R’ Bamberger. “All of the Torah and friendship seamlessly merged into one as the Rebbeim and talmidim sang and danced together.” The Carlos and Gabby’s dinner reminded us of the miracle of oil, of course.

Menorah Contest
The annual, much-anticipated menorah contest at the Chanukah Mesiba is always an entertaining affair. This year, students were especially ingenious: The materials used included ice, pots, wire, fishing rods, wax, and cake. The judging was exacting, the competition fierce. Ultimately, first prize went to Building Nine's cardboard-tin foil menorah—which came complete with a human lighter!

Donut Making
Alumni, students, Rebbeim, and their families enjoyed DIY donuts at the mesiba this year, complete with a filling station (custard, jelly, chocolate, and caramel), frosting station, and topping station. “I had the best sufganiya I’ve ever tasted in my life,” commented R’ Shmulewitz.

Besides the grand, schoolwide mesiba, students visited their Rebbeim’s homes for mini-mesibos during the eight days of Chanuka. During his tisch, R’ Bamberger spoke about the miracle of LCM student Eli Borochov, who was shot in the leg when he visited Chevron with his family during Shabbos Chaya Sara several weeks ago . Baruch Hashem, he is now in recovery.

SGO Gift
This year, LCM’s student government took their annual gift up a notch, too. With shoulder-strap laptop bags, students can now easily take their work with them wherever they go. Thanks, SGO!

Here’s what the administration said…

Rosh HaYeshiva R’ Yonasan Sacks: “The ruach, achdus and simcha this Chanukah was exhilarating and inspiring—a beautiful tribute to our wonderful talmidim and Rebbeim.”
R’ Moshe Krupka, Executive Vice President of Touro College: “Watching the Rosh HaYeshiva and the dean dancing together at the mesiba with the rebbeim and talmidim, with such a unity of purpose, spoke volumes. It was a real nachas for me to see up-close the deep, personal kesher between the Rebbeim and students. That connection is palpable—and it’s what truly sets LCM apart.”
Dean Moshe Sokol: “I believe that this year’s mesibah was best in the history of LCM. A tremendous number participated, the music and dancing were vibrant, and the simcha of Chanukah filled the halls.”