Gabe Hershman, DDS: Putting Me on the Right Path

“What LCM offers over other institutions is that they're big enough to get you where you need to go, but small enough to hold your hand while they do it.”

January 15, 2015
GABE HERSHMAN: Lander College for Men made it very clear to me that you could both be a real force in the professional sector, and contribute to society, as whatever it be that interests you-- specifically for me being an oral surgeon. I mean without LCM, I wouldn't be here. I could have potentially have taken another path to have gotten here, but it wouldn't have been the same path. It wouldn't have been as smooth. The transitions wouldn't have worked as beautifully.

So I'm an oral surgeon. And I now practice in Brooklyn, New York. Lander College for Men taught me in a way that really allowed me to excel. It was the perfect decision. What LCM offers, over other institutions, is that they are big enough to get you where you need to go. But that they're small enough, to really hold your hand, while they do it. Making sure that you're making the right decision for you, and are comfortable every step of the way. Really having people who have your ideals in mind, and know what's important to you, was priceless.

The smaller class size allowed me to do excellent, while my friends who had been in other institutions were struggling. Because they felt like they were left behind. This prepared me to be able to be admitted to NYU College of Dentistry. Not only to be admitted, but I was fortunate enough to have been granted a full scholarship to NYU. A boy from Lander College for Men was able to represent himself and stand up, all of a sudden in front of a large class, academically and set myself apart. I am proud to be an LCM alum.

Gabe Hershman, DDS, could have chosen a number of undergraduate colleges to prepare for dental school. But he chose Lander College for Men (LCM).  

Why? The smaller classes allowed for special attention to make sure he grasped the material and excelled, while “many of my friends in other institutions were struggling, because they felt they were left behind.”

Thanks to his stellar academic achievements at LCM, Gabe was admitted to NYU College of Dentistry—and was granted a full scholarship. After successfully graduating from dental school, he continued on to NYU College of Medicine to pursue oral and maxillofacial surgery. The ’04 alum now works as an oral surgeon at a private practice in Brooklyn. 

“A boy from LCM was able to stand up for himself and set himself apart academically in front of a large class,” he says.

This is Dr. Gabriel Hershman’s story.