Jeremy Bekritsky: The Critical Factor

"Working at Memry [Corporation] has certainly given me an outlet to keep designing things and imagining things…It’s very riveting and exciting."

May 03, 2016

As a component engineer at Memry Corporation, Jeremy Bekritsky, LCM ’08, helps create prototypes of components from nickel titanium (nitinol) for medical devices such as heart stents, catheters, and superelastic needles.

After completing LCM’s pre-engineering track in 2008, Jeremy attended City College’s Grove School of Engineering. “I’ve always loved drawing, playing with legos, tackling problems. Working at Memry has certainly given me an outlet to keep designing things and imagining things…It’s very riveting and exciting,” he says.

At the same time, Rabbi Bekritsky—who received semicha from Beis Medrash L’Talmud in 2014—values the importance of devoting time to Torah. “I’ve always recognized that making your avodas Hashem a central tenet of your life is critical. Lander College for Men gave me the ability to be an ambassador to the secular world about what it means to be an observant Jew…I hope that I am able to demonstrate that you can be an observant Jew who makes time to study on a daily basis while also having a serious career.”