LCM Alumni in Israel Join Together for 5th Annual Reunion

Classmates reunite and reminisce at Ricotta restaurant

January 13, 2015

About twenty LCM alumni currently living in Israel recently gathered for their fifth annual reunion to catch up with their former classmates, greet Rabbi Shmulewitz and enjoy some Italian dishes. 

Held at the elegant Ricotta restaurant overlooking Har Chotzvim, Yerushalayim, the reunion was also a chance to formally pay tribute to Rabbi Shmulewitz, who was recently honored with the Harbotzas Torah Award at the LCM-Beis Medrash L’Talmud Chag HaSmicha this past December in New York. Two former students, Rav Mordechai Burg, Menahel of Yeshivat Shaarei Mesvaseret Zion, and Mr. Dovid Yudkowitz, a web programmer, shared anecdotes of Rabbi Shmulewitz’s inspiring role as an LCM mechanech and dedication to his musmachim.

"He not only teaches the guys a derech halimud, but he teaches you how to be a mentsch. His care and concern for every single talmid is legendary," said Rav Burg. "He is one of the truly exceptional Rabbeim at LCM, and I aspire to be a Rebbe for my talmidim at Mevaseret as he was (and continues to be) for me."

Rabbi Shmulewitz also spoke, reminiscing on old times in Lander.

“It’s tremendously fulfilling to see our alumni living in Israel and living a life of kedusha, no matter what they’re doing—learning or working. It’s very inspiring,” he said.

Rabbi Aryeh Young, NY-based director of alumni affairs, and Rabbi Levy Friedman, the Lander representative in Israel, were also present at the reunion. The trio visits Israel annually to interview students in Israeli yeshivos for acceptance to LCM in the following year.