LCM Celebrates Largest Graduating Class

300 Join in Celebration for 2018 Class

June 05, 2018
Friends and family celebrated with LCM graduates.

Lander College for Men (LCM) celebrated its largest graduating class to date on May 29. More than 300 friends and family members joined the 61 graduates at a special reception and awards ceremony held at the college’s campus before heading to Lincoln Center for Commencement.

“Student life at LCM is shaped by concrete Torah and academic expectations,” stated Dean Moshe Sokol. “Once students graduate and leave our halls, they must discover the true importance of those expectations on their own. Like explorers on the sea of life, they must find out for themselves that a life without Torah is a life unmoored from its deepest meaning and significance.”

Speakers during the program included Touro Chairman Dr. Mark Hasten and LCM/Beis Medrash L’Talmud Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yonason Sacks.

"I am very proud of each and every graduate, as I have seen you grow from the day you entered this campus until now,” Rabbi Sacks told the audience. “Our graduates are representatives of our Yeshiva and we charge you with the responsibility to enter the world and represent LCM well.”

Beis Medrash L’Talmud Gemara Award recipient Abie Husney spoke about his experience at LCM.

“Three years ago, many of us came into Landers as wide-eyed young boys,” said Husney. “And just a few short years later and we are coming out as mature young men ready to tackle the world. Thank you to all those who made our success possible.”


Joshua Goldmeier—Valedictorian

Chaim Zinn—Salutatorian

Abie Husney—Beis Medrash L’Talmud Gemara Award

Chaim Senter—Dr. Bernard Lander Memorial Award

Nathan Forsham—Research Award

Boruch Michalowicz—Service Award