LCM Reunion in Jerusalem Draws a Crowd

New Alumni in Israel Committee Formed

December 03, 2013

About 30 Lander alumni gathered at the Rodriguez Steakhouse in Jerusalem last week for the 4th annual LCM Alumni Reunion in Israel. Former students from all over the country enjoyed a night of catching up with friends, seeing rebbeim, hearing divrei Torah and, well, steak. The alumni in attendance spanned the history of Lander, with some representatives of the first and second classes, and others who graduated in June.

At one point in the evening, Dean Sokol, who came with Rabbi Shmulewitz and Rabbi Lavey Freedman, asked for volunteers to serve on a new LCM Alumni in Israel Committee. More than half the room raised their hands. Dean Sokol said the function of the committee will be to assist Lander alumni interested in making Aliya by connecting them to those who’ve already done so. Members of the committee could advise potential olim on matters such as where to live and what schools to choose for their children, and help them with their job search in Israel by using the broad range of Lander alumni in the country—there are already about 50—to network.  The variety of professionals at the reunion alone included actuaries, dentists, software and web developers, accountants and those in chinuch.

During Dean Sokol’s remarks, he said that when Yosef was sent to find his brothers, he found a man who asked him what he was looking for. The Kotzker Rebbe explains, Dean Sokol said, that the deeper meaning behind the question is that when one goes on a journey, it’s important to know what he is seeking, what’s really important and what the ultimate goals are, and not get distracted by other challenges along the way. Building on this, Dean Sokol acknowledged that, although making Aliya is not easy, those who make the leap should remember the reasons they first came, why it was important for their spiritual growth and what they hoped to accomplish. That focus will help olim endure the inevitable hardships they encounter and, eventually, lead to success.