Carving Up Some Powder

Lander Student Government organized a ski trip to get in the last licks of winter

March 28, 2014
It's been a long, hard winter. But if this weather's good for anything it's producing great skiing conditions. And so last motzei shabbos almost 40 guys boarded a bus at 1:30 A.M. and headed for the slopes of Killington, VT for a student government-subsidized ski trip. The lodge opened as the bus pulled in at 7 A.M., and we davened and ate breakfast before taking our skis and snowboards to the mountain. As the first ones on the lift, one gondola had an impromptu kumsitz on the way up. Some guys mastered moguls, others black diamonds and most of us wore snow-covered ski masks by mid-morning. It was a happy, weary group that gathered back at the lodge for mincha and dinner after the lift closed, and  after boarding the bus, we promptly fell asleep. 
In short? It was awesome. And we were back in shiur on Monday without missing a beat.