High Steaks for Annual Scavenger Hunt

Teams Compete for Pride, Free Food

November 07, 2013

What’s the best spot on campus? Is there something I can find to improve the living experience in the dorms? What would make Rabbi Shmulewitz proud?

No, these are not the idle thoughts of students waiting for class to begin, but some of the items Lander students needed to find for the annual LCM scavenger hunt.

There were three categories of items students needed to gather:

1) Things (what, like you have a better name for it?)

2) Pictures

3) Videos

Just in case finding something would be useful on a really, really bad shidduch date wasn’t  enough of an incentive—yup, that was on the list of items to gather—Hapisgah generously donated a $200 gift certificate to the winners.That’s a lotta steak for Tzvi Norowitz, Yehuda Levy, Bradley Cohen, Yaakov Gendler and Shai Kopitnikoff, who formed the victorious "S.C. Avengers 2" team.