Lander College for Men Valedictorian Seeks to Improve the World

Computer Science Major Headed for a Career In Artificial Intelligence

April 23, 2018
Josh Goldmeier

How did you decide on a career in computer science? Is this something you always had a passion for?

Experiencing the forefront of human innovation has always been something I find extremely exhilarating. For me, directly contributing to these advancements was the primary motivator for my selection of computer science. I don’t see a career as solely a means of making money, I would like to improve the world in significant and creative ways.

What are you doing at your current position?

I am currently enrolled in a 10 month Machine Learning course located in Israel. The curriculum includes things such as natural language procession, deep learning, computer vision among other extremely fascinating areas in artificial intelligence.

What is your long term career goal? Where would you like to see yourself in five years?

In terms of the bigger picture, my dream would be to work with artificial intelligence in a meaningful context. I would like to be able to work on a project that has tremendous potential to improve the lives of others. AI can be used in fields ranging from medical care to agriculture to education. I love the medical field so I definitely have interest in exploring the use of machine learning to improve medical care.

I would like to look back at the end of my life and know that I invested my time with the goal of drastically helping others. I think technology provides me with the greatest opportunity both to affect the most people and affect each individual in the biggest way.

Why did you choose Lander College for Men?

I chose Lander College for men because of the holistic learning environment. Sometimes in other learning environments the primary motivation for engaging in the learning is forgotten in the act of learning itself. It can lead to stressful and miserable learning experience. I felt that at Lander College, I would be less likely to fall into this common trap. I never wanted education to supersede life itself, the very thing education is aiming to facilitate.

Was there any professor/class/program/internship at LCM that stood out as transformative? Please describe.

The relationships I was able to cultivate with every professor. Learning is more than just memorizing information and being able to build a meaningful relationship with the faculty at Lander College played a massive role in my success at Lander College.