LCM: A Great Place to Call Home

Alum Dr. Daniel Fruchter on Israel and his LCM Experience

July 28, 2017

Dr. Daniel Fruchter’s turning point began with a series of questions he asked himself.

“Where do I want to build myself, my family and my practice?” recalled Fruchter, a graduate of Lander College for Men (LCM) and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. With that in mind, he and his family made aliyah.

“I’ve always felt that Eretz Yisrael is the place we, as Jews, should be,” Fruchter stated. “It’s our history and our destiny.”

After graduating from Rambam High School in Lawrence, NY, and then attending Yeshivat Shaalavim for two years, Fruchter began his studies at LCM. The smaller class sizes in LCM enabled him to have a better connection with both his rebbeim and his professors. He maintained a close relationship with Rabbi Yehuda Parnes and “majored” in Dr. Kenneth Danishevsky, chair of LCM’s biology department.

“They were both incredible role models,” said Fruchter, “Both inside the beis medrash and out of it.”

Fruchter was accepted to every dental school he applied to, and, after completing dental school and working for four years, made Aliyah in 2013.

“Living in Israel, you see the haschacha pratis, every day,” said Fruchter, who lives in a new development in the Ramat Beit Shemesh neighborhood and studies in a night kollel after work. “You can feel Hashem’s guiding hand here.”

He is still involved with LCM.

“LCM is a great place to call home and it’s always good to come back,” said Fruchter.