Let h and k be positive integers. Prove that for every ǫ > 0, there are positive integers m and n such that ǫ < |h√m− k√n| < 2ǫ

Lander student, Mendy Friedman, takes prestigious place in math competition

May 09, 2012
Photo by Anthony DelMundo for New York Daily News

Congratulations, Mendy! Mendy Friedman, who attends Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim during the day and LCM at night, recently placed 22nd out of 4,400 contenders in the William Lowell Putnam competition. He was the highest ranking contestant of any New York college participant.

The competition is run by the Mathematical Association of America and was established by William Lowell Putnam’s widow because of his belief in the value of team competition in college studies and the “healthful rivalry in mathematical studies in the colleges and universities of the United States and Canada.”

Taking New York pride in Mendy (even though he’s a Chicago transplant), the New York Daily News deservedly took note of his accomplishment, as did NY1. We at LCM look forward to hearing many more great things from Mendy.