Celebrating Purim on Campus

Get a taste of the leibedik Purim spirit at Lander College for Men.

March 28, 2016
Purim Costume contest winners were Yaakov Burack, Michael Sher, and Netanel Lederer, who dressed as the Lander College for Men cleaning crew.

LCM celebrated a festive Purim this year across campus. LCM Rebbeim, their families, Touro College President Alan Kadish, and Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Krupka graced this year's Purim Chagiga, getting into the dancing groove with the students. Purim Costume contest winners were Yaakov Burack, Michael Sher, and Netanel Lederer, who dressed as the Lander College for Men cleaning crew, while Mendy Eisenberg and Asi Kent came in second place. Like they do annually, a fundraising group went out to collect tzedaka for the yeshiva on Purim night, while more than sixty students spent Purim morning learning for several hours as part of the Yeshivas Mordechai Hatzadik program.

After visiting the Mashgiach's famous "Purim Shack," students boarded busses to their respective rebbeim’s homes, where they enjoyed the celebratory seuda with wine, meat, and festivity.