Meet Next Year’s (Potential) Students

Yeshiva guys eat, dance, and soak in Torah at the annual LCM melave malka for prospective students in Israel.

February 11, 2015

Last week, approximately 120 yeshiva students currently learning in Israel shuttled to Ulamei Zvhil hall in Yerushalayim for a melave malka that gave them a glimpse of what LCM, and their future classmates, are all about. Organized by LCM’s Israeli representative Rabbi Lavey Freedman, the catered event was open to those who are, or might be, interested in attending LCM next year. Attendees of the event were currently learning at K.B.Y., Shaalvim, Netiv Aryeh, Yishrei Lev, Yeshivat Shaarei Mevaseret Zion and Derech Ohr Sameach, among other yeshivot. 

Dean Moshe Sokol greeted the students, giving a powerful lecture about the Sfas Emes’ teaching on the value of intellectual inquiry in the context of Torah study. Following Dean Sokol, Rabbi Sacks’ inspiring speech focused on the meaning of being a servant of Hashem in the context of receiving the Torah. Prospective students were also treated to the singing of renowned composer R’ Ari Goldwag, whose spirited music accompanied the ruach-infused dancing. 

“The melave malka was a wonderful opportunity for potential LCM students to meet one another and enjoy good food, camaraderie, and divrei Torah,” said Dean Sokol.  

Of course, he hopes to greet each of the attendees next year, in New York, as they walk through the doors of LCM for the start of the fall semester.