The Last Winter Hurrah

The silver lining to all that Purim snow? Awesome ski slopes.

March 09, 2015

Even if this record-breaking winter might have hampered some mishloach-manos deliveries on Purim and postponed the annual Presidents Day weekend ski trip (due to frigid temperatures!) to the day after Purim, at least it meant that Hunter Mountain had some pretty awesome slopes. LCM took advantage of the last snow of the season (we hope?) with an SGO-subsidized skiing trip organized by student Eli Feder. 

After davening shacharis in the wee hours of the morning, fourteen students boarded a bus heading to upstate New York. Following a light breakfast of cereal and orange juice, the students displayed their varying levels of snow-sport talent (from the black diamond slopes for the experts to the bunny slopes for those first-time snowboarders!) as they conquered Hunter Mountain with characteristic LCM spirit. “It was an amazing trip—The weather was great and everyone had an awesome time,” said Aaron Kattan.

The only downside? The day was too short!