Summer Study in Israel—the Startup Capital of the World

Yisroel Teitelbaum highlights why Touro’s Ariel University Summer Science program in Samaria, Israel, was an unforgettable experience

September 09, 2019
Yisroel Teitelbaum (pictured in the middle)

LCM student Yisroel Teitelbaum joined other Touro undergraduates for a trip of a lifetime while earning college credit over summer break. The students took part in Touro’s joint program with Ariel University where they earned six credits while exploring and immersing themselves in the beautiful Israeli landscape.

Why were you interested in being part of Touro's Ariel University Summer program?

I wanted to participate in this exciting educational program for a few reasons. First, this program offered both Foundations of Computer Organization and Introduction to Robotics classes that I had not yet taken and were required. Additionally, the chance to travel for school is always a fantastic option, especially for a religious Jew like me, and the opportunity to study for weeks in Israel was one I couldn’t pass up. Classes were held Monday-Wednesday, giving our group a few days each week to explore the country. Having this flexible schedule was greatly appreciated by all of us and we wasted no time diving headfirst into our studies and utilizing every moment outside of the classroom to engage in productive and activity-packed days in all corners of the country.

Can you tell us a little bit about your experience? What were the classes like?

I had an incredible experience in Israel overall as I had already known some of the students in my group and I also made new friendships that I’m sure will last a long time. The courses themselves were hands on and the university was very accommodating. The pace of American vs. Israeli university systems are slightly different and it was made clear to us on day one that everyone in our group had different levels of experience in scientific courses, yet the program brought us all to a level playing field in a matter of days.

Seeing the hands on application of these complex topics, combined with lessons taught by a professor who has many years of practical application in his industry, was unparalleled. We all spent a ton of time in the expansive campus library and laboratories in preparation for tests and final exams.

Spending the summer in Israel is a great opportunity. Did you get to explore Israel as part of the program outside of campus?

We did a great job planning out all of the different outings and unique day trips ahead of time. Some of the highlights of exploring were seeing the Old City of Jerusalem, scuba diving in Eilat, Massada in the Dead Sea, and walking around well-known spots such as Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Hebron, Nazareth and Ancient Shiloh.

What did you enjoy most?

Being that I never studied extensively in Israel before, this program gave me a strong sense of breaking out of my comfort zone by living in another country whose culture I had never experienced prior. At the end of the trip, I felt like a local who was confident about reaching destinations via public transportation. I also learned the basics of the myriad languages you hear there and made memories that I will always remember.

Would you recommend the program to other students?

I hope this program continues to flourish in the coming years and as a student, I would highly recommend it to all students of Touro College and other universities as well. It was an incredibly eye opening time, giving us the ability to dive into a new and intricate syllabus that was eloquently taught by the best and brightest in their field. I’m eagerly looking forward to what next summer has to offer!