Israel Option Application & Benefits
How to Apply to the Israel Option Program
If you’re interested in Touro’s Israel Option program you will need to apply to Lander College for Men AND the desired Israeli institution (two separate applications to two separate institutions).
Once you are accepted to Lander College for Men, if you are interested in the Touro’s Israel Option (TCIO) you will receive a Tuition Contract to Participate in the Touro’s Israel Option (TCIO). After submission of the tuition contract, the contract will be reviewed and a determination will be made. If approved, you must submit all requested documents and make appropriate tuition payments to Touro prior to your departure to Israel.
Students admitted to LCM on a probationary basis or students residing outside of the US may not participate in the Israel Option.
Tuition and Aid
TCIO Administrative Fee
- $1,100 if you enroll by June 15. Students who complete and submit all required documents by June 15th are eligible for the discounted administrative fee of $1,100.
- $1,250 if you enroll June 16-July 15.
- $1350 if you enroll July 15 - August 14.
- $1,500 if you enroll on or after August 15.
When you complete your year in Israel, you will receive a tuition credit of $550 towards their first fall or spring semester when returning to any of Touro’s Lander Colleges.
The administrative fee and all tuition for the Israel institution is payable online to the Touro’s Bursar (similar to our tuition payments). Detailed instructions will be included with the Tuition Contract.
TCIO students can elect to pay tuition through “529” accounts and/or may be eligible to receive federal tax credits for tuition paid to Lander College for Men. Please contact your accountant for additional information.
We encourage all students to explore our numerous Financial Aid options to help offset the cost of your education in Israel and in New York. TCIO students may qualify for federal grants and student loans.
Credits, Grades, Transcripts
Students who successfully complete a year of full-time study in Israel may earn up to 36 credits if enrolled in the TCIO. You may earn 24 credits directly from Israel Option courses, and up to an additional 12 transfer credits upon your return to Touro. Grades earned in Israel Option courses will appear on students’ transcripts, and are calculated in their Touro academic record. The grading system for these courses follows the American system, with letter grades A to F, for all courses with a written or oral final exam.
Enrollment with Lander College for Men TCIO Program is a mutual commitment. We expect you to complete your undergraduate studies at LCM. Only Touro students are eligible to participate in the TCIO. You may not hold a deferral at another institution during your time in the TCIO program. If you are holding a deferral at another college, you are not eligible to participate in the TCIO.
Student Responsibilities
A successful experience is a two-way street. We encourage you to enjoy your year in Israel and focus on learning, and we count on students to complete their course registration on time and to attend all meetings and presentations arranged by Touro faculty and deans. TCIO students are also required to take an English proficiency exam and the Strong Career Inventory, which are usually administered during the fall semester.
Support Services in Israel
In addition to an orientation, the Touro Israel Center also coordinates counseling and advisement services for students in Israel.
Israel School Transfer, Withdrawal and Refund Policies
If you wish to withdraw from TCIO or transfer from one institution to another and signed the Contract to Participate in the Israel Option, you may withdraw from the program by informing the Touro Israel Office and completing a Withdrawal Form. Requests for withdrawal must be received by November 30 (for Fall Semester) or March 15 (for Spring Semester). Please note, the administrative fee is non-refundable once the fall semester has begun.
Fall Semester Withdrawal Refund Schedule
If you withdraw during the fall semester, you will be refunded 100% of your spring tuition and the following from your fall tuition:
Prior to the start of fall class: 100% of fall tuition
During the 1st week of class: 90% of fall tuition
During the 2nd week of class: 75% of fall tuition
During the 3rd week of class: 50% of fall tuition
During the 4th week of class: 25% of fall tuition
After the 4th week of class: No refund
Spring Semester Withdrawal Refund Schedule
If you withdraw during the spring semester, there is no refund on your fall semester tuition. The following is the refund schedule for the spring semester tuition:
Prior to the start of fall class: 100% of fall tuition
During the 1st week of class: 90% of fall tuition
During the 2nd week of class: 75% of fall tuition
During the 3rd week of class: 50% of fall tuition
During the 4th week of class: 25% of fall tuition
After the 4th week of class: No refund