Jodi Smolen, MPA, BFA

Director of Career ServicesLander College for Men
Jodi Smolen

Jodi Smolen, MPA is the Director of Career Services at Lander College for Men. She has served in this position since 2019 and she has met over 575 students and connected with over 200 companies. Jodi earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama from Carnegie Mellon University and completed a Master in Public Administration, with a specialization in Nonprofit Administration, from Baruch College in NYC. She served as the Director of Undergraduate Programs at TTI where she supervised a team of academic advisors, guided undergraduate students, and built new partnerships with colleges for 19 years. Since she joined Touro University, she was charged with creating a Communication Workshop to help students prepare for today's diverse work environment. Jodi collaborated with the Speech Department at Touro to create a 6-week workshop which debuted in the fall of 2021. Jodi is the adjunct professor for this course, Success in the Workplace, and enjoys using applied improvisation techniques and role-play to help students practice their communication skills. 


  • BA in Fine Arts, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Master in Public Administration, Baruch College

Areas of Expertise

Career counseling, college career services, resume writing, and communication skills/emotional intelligence