Clubs & Organizations
Student Government
The 2023-2024 Beis Medrash L'Talmud College Program SGO is:
President: Sam Davis
VP: Adriel Kohananoo
Treasurer: Akiva Goldshmidt
Secretary/Communications: Hillel Pinsky
Athletic Coordinator: Aaron Sebagg
Upper-class Reps: Akiva Luchins, Matan Schiller, David Menaged, Josh Aziz
Under-class Reps: Benjamin Ariel, Benjamin Fuzaylov
Beis Medrash Reps: Dovi Lapp, Max Landsberg
The 2023-2024 Evening Division SGO is:
President: Elchanon Kurtz
Vice President: Eli Scharf
Treasurer: Daniel Yakubov
Secretary: Eliezer Schattner
Student Reps: Menachem Jacobs, Yehuda Taitelbaum, Joseph Weiss, Zev Wolff
Student Clubs
Accounting Club
The accounting club brings in guest speakers who majored in accounting and went on to various careers, to give students the ability to hear first-hand accounts of career options with an accounting degree.
Art Club
The art club is open to all Lander College for Men students. The art club is a safe space to explore diverse art mediums, creativity, and self-expression. We host private and school-wide events and bring in local NYC artists who educate us about art and their areas of expertise.
Bowling Club
The Lander College for Men Bowling Club provides a fun and competitive environment for students to enjoy the sport of bowling. The club is open to all students, regardless of experience level and is a great way to meet new people, make friends, and have fun while learning a new sport, as well as relieve stress and get some exercise.
Chess Club
A place where you can get together with your friends to de-stress and play chess. Advanced or beginner players are both welcome, and we will pair you up accordingly.
Dental Club
The Dental Society of LCM aims to create a platform and space that inspires pre-dental students about their chosen profession. We host events such as speeches from dentists in the field, volunteer opportunities, and other events that connect likeminded pre-dental students.
Finance Club
The Finance Club is all about bridging the gap between academia and real -world finance by fostering insightful and personable conversations that provide clarity about career opportunities in the field.
Golf Club
The Lander golf club is a supportive environment where members of all skill levels can improve their golf game. We aim to create a healthy atmosphere of camaraderie built around a shared passion for golf!
Martial Arts Club
Martial Arts is about perseverance, confidence, and comradery. We bring students together to learn skills that will give them confidence. Last year we brought in a professional boxing coach, Coach Jose Garcia. If you're looking to learn self-defense, gain confidence, or make new friends then this is the club for you.
Pedagogy Club
This club is a network for students planning to go into Chinuch to understand what programs and seminars are available to them to prepare them for this field. We mentor and advise each other as we approach the task of educating future youth.
Public Speaking
Want to leave an impression on an audience? Basic public speaking skills are necessary in the world, and you can learn from the very best here in the Public Speaking club. Join today to improve your presentation.
Scientific Notation
The Scientific Notation is a biweekly newsletter that showcases various aspects of science, written and edited by students. Through this newsletter, students share their passion for science, explore cutting edge research, and engage readers in thought-provoking articles.
Strategic Gaming
The Strategic Gaming Club is a student organization that aims to enrich the academic, social, and mental well-being of its members through the enjoyment of board games and role-playing games (RPGs). We believe that these games offer opportunities for creativity, collaboration, problem-solving, and social skill development, as well as a sense of community and belonging.