LCM Honors the Class of 2015 at Banquet Reception

Graduating students bid farewell; outstanding students receive commencement awards.

June 03, 2015

On the morning of May 31, 2015, Lander College for Men (LCM) graduates celebrated their upcoming Commencement with family and friends at the awards ceremony and banquet for the class of 2015.

Opening remarks and divrei bracha were given by Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Yonasan Sacks, who discussed the importance of modelling one’s avodas Hashem “as overtly as possible, whether you’ll find yourself in the beis medrash, kollel, classroom or workplace.”

“Every day, act as if everything will be written down, as if all eyes are on you,” he said, quoting the Midrash Rabba on Boaz in Megilas Rus. “Recognize this awesome responsibility to be mekadesh shem shamayim in every facet of your life, in every venue.”

Rabbi Yehuda Shmulewitz presented the Beis Medrash L’Talmud Gemara Award—an award bestowed upon someone who has displayed incredible growth and excellence in limudei kodesh—to Nahum Twersky. Praising Mr. Twersky’s unquenchable “cheshek for learning,” R’ Shmulewitz recalled examples where the student, a “constant meshamesh to the Rebbeim,” would be trailing the Rosh HaYeshiva to his car after shiur just to keep listening to more words of Torah.

Marketing major Simcha Himmel was named valedictorian, and Jonathan Yousefzadeh delivered his salutatorian address. “Without LCM, I don’t know where I would be,” began Mr. Yousefzadeh (affectionately known as “Zada”), who majored in accounting and is currently studying for his CPA exam. “The fact that I had a set learning schedule day in and day out, that I had rebbeim who came in every day no matter the weather, and that—in the middle of all this—I had a structured college schedule with fantastic professors, transformed me into a more complete eved Hashem and the professional I am today.” Mr. Yousefzadeh also won the Service Award for his overall contribution to campus life.

“These three awardees demonstrate that you can do it all: be a model in academics and still contribute deeply to the LCM student life and community,” praised Dean Sokol, mentioning the fact that all three students served as officers of LCM’s Student Government at one point during their college careers.

Other awardees included Mr. Ezra Buchbinder, who won the Arthur Budick Award for Excellence in Literature; Mr. David Ambinder, who won the Research Award; and Mr. David Bamshad, who won the Dr. Bernard Lander Memorial Award.

Many alumni are already anticipating their next steps. Mr. Bamshad will be attending Touro's New York Medical College starting this summer, while Zach Schussheim will be attending Rutgers Dental School this fall. Eitan Bass, who majored in accounting, began working this past January as an Assurance Associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Chaim Bender was recently hired as a contracted java developer for the NYC Department of Corrections. 

Others are continuing their education. Yossi Edelman is pursuing a master’s in industrial psychology, while Aharon Wolf plans on pursuing a master’s in corporate business. Daniel Belzberg, who majored in math actuarial studies and minored in finance, plans to learn for a year in Beis Medrash L'Talmud and later pursue work as an actuary.

‌‌Referencing the Sefas Emes on “Az Yashir” and poet Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself,” the dean concluded the afternoon with some parting thoughts on self-actualization after graduation. “When a Jew reaches down to the deepest roots of his own uniqueness, his neshama, through which his every action is a refraction of Hashem, then not only will he be able to sing a profoundly religious song of self, but he will inspire others to sing their own distinctive songs, as well.”

Following the farewell video, Rabbi Aryeh Young, director of alumni affairs, reminded graduates to keep in touch with their alma mater.  “Students never leave LCM; they simply transition from being a student to being part of a larger alumni family of over 600 dedicated members,” he said.

Congratulations, graduates!

Joshua Alter

David Ambinder* Research Award

Ilan Attar

David Bamshad* Dr. Bernard Lander Memorial Award

Ariel Baradarian

Eitan Bass

Daniel Belzberg

Chaim Bender

Aaron Benia

Ezra Buchbinder* Arthur Budick Award for Excellence in Literature

Yochanan Buchbinder

Natan Cohen

Michael Davidson

Asher Dobin

Yossi Edelman

Yavniel Field

Joseph Friedman

Joshua Gabbay

Lior Goldstein

Benjamin Gursky

Simcha Himmel

Solomon Isakov

Saul Landesman

Gabe Mandel

Abie Newman Daphna

Benyamin Rubinoff

Dovi Schreiber

Zachary Schussheim

Nahum Twersky* Beis Medrash L'Talmud Gemara Award

Isaiah Vorotinov

Binyamin Weiss

Aharon Wolf

Jonathan Yousefzadeh* Salutatorian; Service Award; Wall Street Award

Gershon Zwiren