Lander College for Men Kicks Off Orientation for New Students

After an exciting week of activities, learning, touring, and more, the new cohort of LCM students settle into classes.

September 08, 2015

For Five-Towns native Aharon Rubel, attending Lander College for Men was “a given” after attending Shaalvim in Israel. Although he has yet to declare a major, the DRS alumnus said he was “excited about the awesome learning environment, with great rebbeim—you can’t really get this combination anywhere else.” 

A graph displaying the yeshivos attended by Lander College for Men freshmen enrolled for the 2015 fall semester. Eitan Richter, from Teaneck, NJ, spoke similarly. The freshman, who attended Aish in Israel and plans on pursuing physical therapy at LCM, said he “felt Lander was one of the best—and really, only—dual curriculum programs where I could pursue limudei chol and kodesh in a Torah-conducive setting. I also felt it had a really warm environment, which I value," he added.

Eitan and Aharon join the ranks of approximately eighty other young men in this year’s new cohort of Lander College for Men students, which also includes out-of-town and international students from Austria, England, France, Bulgaria and Russia, and Canada.

In the week-long orientation that included presentations from deans, Roshei Yeshiva, Career Services and Academic Advisement, students learned about the various programs, majors, and clubs offered at LCM and Beis Medrash L’Talmud. After a host of social activities such as Make-Your-Own-Sushi Night and sports games, the week concluded with a ruach-inspired Shabbaton at Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Yonasan Sacks’ home in Passaic and a Sunday afternoon hike and barbecue at Palisades Interstate Park.

While meeting their new peers, gleaning advice from alumni, and attending activities, students also declared majors and registered for classes. Zev Senter—who studied this past year at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh (KBY) in Israel—plans to major in math and pursue actuarial studies, while Dovid Herbsman—who attended Yishrei Lev—is excited to study forensic psychology under Dr. Alan Perry. Yoni Biel, another Yishrei Lev alumnus from St. Louis, Missouri, chose to come to LCM after hearing about its “excellent pre-med courses” from alumni. “Also,” he adds, “Many of my friends were coming here, which was a big factor.”

“We are very excited about the new cohort of Lander College for Men students,” said Dean Moshe Sokol. "They come not only from across the United States but from six countries around the world, were educated in some of Israel's most prestigious yeshivos, and share a deep commitment to Torah study and academic excellence."