Computer Science Major

As a computer science major you will learn the foundations of computer programming and build upon that to advance your knowledge of data structures, operating systems, and programming languages.

Whether you have coding experience and have built websites, or have no programming background, whether you are looking for a career with flexible hours and remote work, or 9-5 in person work, whether you want to own your own businesses, work for small companies, or with today’s titans of industry, you’ll graduate with the skills to succeed as a software engineer in any area and industry you choose, and to easily shift to another as your career progresses.

A Practical & Project-Based Computer Science Curriculum

As part of the curriculum, you’ll start with object-oriented programming and move on to structural courses and beyond. Our courses are not an academic exploration where you’re then left on your own to learn the actual language, they are practical and real-world. You’ll learn the material and the languages in class, how to apply what you learn, and you’ll be prepared to get a job with the skills to succeed at that job. 

Starting with Computing Theory and Applications you’ll learn the core concepts related to web development including front end (browser) technologies and back end (serverside) scripting, as well as database access and querying, internet standards and security fundamentals. You’ll learn problem-solving techniques in Introduction to Programming by developing programs with java using objects, input, output and variables and utilizing programming control structures such as loops, selection structures, methods, and classes. In elective classes you’ll have the opportunity to delve into topics like cryptography, algorithms, and AI.

Program languages you’ll have an opportunity to learn include:

  • Java
  • Node.js
  • JavaScript
  • C#
  • Python
  • Scala
  • Prolog
  • C++
  • SQL

Student tip: The introductory courses are easier, but it gets exponentially harder. I dropped my minor to concentrate on my computer science classes.

Course Spotlight: Computer Methodology

Over the course of a semester-long project you’ll learn major software development methodology, e.g. Agile Programming, as well as Test-Driven Development, logging, group development, software documentation, standardized naming conventions, best software development practices, design patterns and idioms. You’ll be taking different technologies and building larger systems, getting things to work, making sure everything can talk to each other. You’ll see your skills, and your portfolio, growing.

Projects: Where It All Comes Together

Most classes have small homework projects, with a bigger project for the final. One data structures project involves finding the websites you can get to from Touro’s website and to see how far you can get.

a stacked pile of packages
Lander students' packages await pickup.

For a final project in one class, a student is taking on managing Lander students’ package delivery notifications. As with many building lobbies, Lander College for Men has a slew of packages to contend with and each student is responsible to keep track and check in to see if their package has arrived. One student took this on in his class practicum project and is working on an app so when a package is scanned for a student, the student gets a notification with a QR code to come pick up their package.

Programmer's Hashkafah: The Philosophy of a Software Engineer

Some days your professor might just schmooze with you so you can better understand the industry, how to think about programming, how people in the industry approach problems, what they’re talking about, what technologies people are looking at or integrating.

Smaller Class Size, Real World Expertise

A hallmark of a Lander education, smaller classes mean you're getting more attention. You’re working in teams with classmates you know, and your professors know who you are and call you by name. You won’t get lost here or fall through the cracks. 

Our faculty bring their real-world experiences into the classroom, showing you how they have solved problems on projects.

Internships & Interviews

The job interview for computer science position is notoriously tough, with grueling programming tests. You need to know a huge amount walking into the interview and most companies expect you to pick up a huge amount as you go. We prepare you for that.

As part of the computer science major, you have a required internship. The internship is invaluable in your interview process, and often leads to an offer, or a networking opportunity for your first offer.

Alumni Participation

Our alumni work at Google and Meta, Artscroll and Sefaria, and everything in between, and in every industry, including healthcare, retail, and finance.


There's a tremendous amount of participation from alumni, formally and informally, who try to guide students, open opportunities for them, network with them, and give advice on career paths and balancing work and a Torah lifestyle.

Student tip: "There is a big support system, there’s the rebbeim, your friends, and your teachers. If you work hard and take advantage of all the support available to you, you can do really well." – Yoel Druxman, Senior

What You Can Expect From Lander:

Aside from small class sizes, experienced faculty, individualized attention, and demanding academics, you can expect alumni connections, support to enter the professional world, and an understanding that of what you might be looking for as a Torah Jew raising a family and earning a living.

  • As with all Touro majors, we have a strong alumni network you can rely on, and a powerhouse career services department that will prepare you for the workplace and help you start your career.
  • As part of our mentoring program, we can match you with an alumni currently in the field, to mentor you and answer any questions on your career.
  • We host career night dinners each year, where alumni come back to campus and gather around the dinner table with you, to help you get an inside view of their career with real talk about the profession.
  • No disconnect between your morning in the beis medrash and your afternoon in a college classroom. Torah infuses everything we do and the shiur course you’ll take on Jewish business ethics is one example of the balance and coordination you’ll find here.

If interested, we have pathways to tailor your computer science major towards network administration and information systems, through Touro’s sister schools (online and in person).

We also offer a pathway to related graduate programs at Touro’s Graduate School of Technology (Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Web & Application Development, Business Intelligence and Database Systems, Web & Multimedia Design) and Touro University Illinois’ Cybersecurity Certificate and MS in Data Analytics.