LCM Honors & Pathways
Lander students have a rigorous schedule and graduating from Lander College for Men is itself an accomplishment of balance, intellect, and determination. Our honors options are primarily career focused, with either honors majors to bolster your graduate applications and resume or tracks & pathways that feed into Touro graduate and professional schools.

Honors Majors
The Psychology, Political Science, and Biology departments offer an honors major. Honors majors usually require additional coursework that includes research and a project. Speak with your faculty mentor and academic advisor about the requirements and benefits of these options.
Metzuyanim Program

Our Metzuyanim Program is for gifted talmidim who are very serious about continuing Torah study post-Israel at a very high level. If you can commit to a full afternoon seder in the Beis Medrash, in addition to morning and night seder, while taking college classes, the Metzuyanim Program offers special shiurim from the Rosh HaYeshivah and the Menahel. Talmidim are expected to give supervised chaburahs throughout the year. This program is by invitation for day students, after your fahrher.
Medical Honors Pathway
The Medical Honors Pathway is an intensive and rewarding curriculum that leads to a bachelor's degree from Lander College for Men (LCM) and a medical degree from New York Medical College (NYMC). If you are accepted into the Pathway and continue to meet all Pathway requirements, you are conditionally admitted to NYMC after graduating LCM. Final admission to NYMC School of Medicine is based upon the decision of the NYMC School of Medicine Committee on Admissions and requires successful completion of all the requirements of the Pathway.

Integrated Honors Tracks
If you’re interested in a career as a PT, OT, PA, or Speech Language Pathologist, our integrated honors track in Health Sciences is a path to those programs at the School of Health Sciences. The PA Preparatory Program for pre-PA track students is an added advantage. The integrated honors track in Osteopathic Medicine is a path to the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (TouroCOM), and the integrated honors track in Pharmacy is a path to the Touro College of Pharmacy program. As a participant in any of these tracks, you receive priority admission to the appropriate graduate and professional programs, if you meet all program and track requirements.
Behavioral Sciences Pathway
If you’re interested in mental health counseling, applied behavior analysis or IO psychology, the behavioral sciences pathway program allows you to start classes in those areas at Touro’s School of Health Sciences (SHS), while at Lander and fast track your graduate degree at SHS.