International Business Minor
Required Core (12 credits)
EBFN 101 - Principles of Finance (3 credits)
An introductory study of the basic principles, instruments, and institutions in the financial marketplace. Topics include the concept of money; the Federal Reserve and the banking system; the provision and management of funds for both the short and long terms; the basic financial instruments; financial characteristics of the firm, including basic balance sheet analysis; the role of the stock and bond markets; interest rates and present value analysis; personal finance issues. Corequisite: EBEN 101 or EBEN 102.
EBEN 408 - International Trade and Monetary Systems (3 credits)
An in-depth study of modern trade theory and monetary relations. Topics include but are not limited to globalization, absolute and comparative advantage, theory of reciprocal demand, offer curves, factor endowment theory and other theories of trade, Leontief paradox, tariffs and their effects, balance of payments issues, foreign exchange rate determinants, spot and futures markets, arbitrage, purchasing power parity, balance of payments adjustments, exchange rate adjustments, and its effect on the balance of payments. Prerequisites: EBEN 101, EBEN 102 and EBFN 101.
ISBN 610 - Introduction to International Business (3 credits)
[course description missing from catalog]
Choose one of the following:
HISN 334 - Topics in Modern European History (3 credits)
Selected topics from the Revolutions of 1848 to the present, such as nationalism as a force leading to Word War I, the outbreak of World War II and its results, the Cold War, and the most recent global conflicts.
HISN 363 - Topics in Third World Modern History (3 credits)
Selected issues in the history of Asia and Africa, with emphasis placed on the struggle for independence from World War II until the present.
POLN 103 - International Relations (3 credits)
How nations and transnational actors interact in the international arena and why they behave the way they do with reference to power, balance of power, deterrence, imperialism, diplomacy and negotiations, international law, international organization, collective security, war, and the interrelationship between international economic issues and international politics.
POLN 222 - International Law (3 credits)
A case study approach to the nature, role, and function of international law. Special attention is given to the origins and sources of international law and to its role in the contemporary international relations.
Two electives (6 credits)
EBFN 338 - International Financial Markets (3 credits)
Comprehensive discussion of the international financial environment. The market forces whose interplay determines exchange rates and governmental policies are covered. Parity theorems and description of the international equity and credit markets and their dynamics are presented. The forecasting of price changes and returns on equities and bonds in the international setting are covered. Prerequisite: EBFN 101.
EBFN 420 - International Commodity Trading (3 credits)
[course description missing from catalog]
EBKN 340 - International Marketing Management (3 credits)
Designed to develop a systematic approach for analyzing trends shaping the global marketplace. Physical, cultural, socio-demographic, legal/political, and technological factors, among others, are explored. Emphasis is placed on development and implementation of optimal marketing programs to capitalize on emerging market opportunities as well as the avoidance of the pitfalls inherent in cross-national marketing activities. Prerequisite: EBKN 101.
EBMN 310 - Multinational Business Management (3 credits)
Detailed examination of the economic, cultural, political, and legal environment of multinational business, beginning with a historical review of the growth of international business and the development of institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, and the WTO. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of the European Union and emerging markets. The strategy and structure, and the financial environment, of international business and the mechanisms through which international capital markets operate are discussed. The final phase of the course deals with international business functions, including international marketing, human resources, accounting, and finance. Prerequisites: EBMN 101 and EBKN 101.
EBAN 351 - International Accounting (3 credits)
[course description missing from catalog]
EBEN 311 - Comparative Economic Systems (3 credits)
An analysis of economic systems through formulation of economic models, and an analysis of actual economic societies including comparison of capitalism and socialism. Prerequisite: EBEN 101 and 102.