Jewish Studies Minor

Required Courses

JSLN 493 - Advanced Topics in Jewish Law (3 credits)

In-depth analysis of selected topics and themes.

Minimum of 15 credits of Intensive Talmud

JSLN 253-254 - Talmud (1.5 credits)

A tractate of the Talmud is studied with classical commentaries. Emphasis on conceptual analysis. 

JSLN 291-292 - Talmud

Credits may vary.

JSLN 393-394 - Talmud 

Credits may vary.

JMLN 396-397 - Topics in Jewish Law – Responsa Literature I-II (1.5 credits)

Contemporary problems in Jewish law with emphasis on those created by scientific and technological development. Prerequisite: Departmental permission. 

JSLN 451-452 - Talmud (3 credits)

A tractate of the Talmud is studied intensively with classical commentaries. Emphasis on conceptual analysis (course may be repeated for credit).

JSLN 453-454 - Intensive Talmud (3 credits)

Study of a tractate of the Talmud with classical commentaries and codes. Supervised periods of independent study (course may be repeated for credit).

JSLN 457-457 - Talmud

Credits may vary.

JSLN 141 - Introduction to Jewish Law Daily Life Cycle (1.5 credits)

Study of the rituals of the Jewish daily life cycle utilizing classical and modern legal literature. 

JSLN 142 - Introduction to Jewish Law: Kashrut (1.5 credits)

Study of laws of Kashrut (the Jewish dietary code), utilizing classical and modern literature. 

JSLN 143 - Jewish Law Kashrut (3 credits)

Study of Laws of Kashrut on advanced level.

JSLN 201 - Jewish Law and Customs: Sabbath (3 credits)

An examination of the laws and customs of the Sabbath with an eye toward practical application. Various Jewish legal opinions will be offered. 

JSLN 207/241-242 - Topics in Jewish Law: Sabbath and Festivals (3 credits)

Selected topics in Sabbath (241) and Festivals (242). Laws examined in both substantive and procedural aspects.

JSLN 245 - Jewish Life Cycle (3 credits)

Study of laws from birth to death within the life cycle of a Jew.

JSLN 289/290 - Topics in Maimonidean Code (3 credits)

In-depth study of select topics in Maimonides Mishneh Torah. 

JSLN 300/341-342 - The Compendia of Joseph Karo (3 credits)

Jurisprudential issues from their origins in the Talmud to their codification by Joseph Karo in the 16th Century. 

JSLN 361 - Topics in Jewish Law: Medical Ethics (3 credits)

Intensive analysis of bio-ethical issues as treated in Jewish Law.

JSLN 362 - Jewish Business Ethics (3 credits)

An intensive study of issues that relate to the running and conducting of business according to Jewish law. Special emphasis on investment and finance, restraint of trade and compensation, advertising and marketing practices. Assigned reading includes Talmudic texts, Codes, and Responsa. 

JSLN 396-397 - Topics in Responsa Literature I and II (3 credits)

An intensive study of select topics from the responsa literature of various Jewish authorities.

JJSLN 431 - Topics in Jewish Law: The Family (3 credits)

Intensive study of the laws of family purity.

  • Minimum of 32 credits from a yeshiva in Israel or elsewhere.
  • One 3 credit class in a related field such as Jewish history or sociology (in addition to the Jewish history core requirement).
  • Two 1.5 credit courses in Jewish studies, such as additional shiurim in halakha and the professions, beyond that required for the core, or shiurim in navi or chumash.