Management/Marketing Minor

Required for Minor (18 credits)

EBKN 101 - Principles of Marketing (3 credits)

A study of basic marketing theory and practice. Major topics include analysis of consumer market structure versus industrial market system; product planning; channels of distribution; pricing; promotion; and relevant government regulation.

EBMN 101 - Principles of Management (3 credits)

An introduction to the basic theory and practice of management. Examination of the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling, and analysis of environmental influences on decision-making. Students will use micro-computer programs for business applications.

EBFN 101 - Principles of Finance (3 credits)

An introductory study of the basic principles, instruments, and institutions in the financial marketplace. Topics include the concept of money; the Federal Reserve and the banking system; the provision and management of funds for both the short and long terms; the basic financial instruments; financial characteristics of the firm, including basic balance sheet analysis; the role of the stock and bond markets; interest rates and present value analysis; personal finance issues. Corequisite: EBEN 101 or EBEN 102.

EBKN 204 - Marketing Management (3 credits)

This course helps students conceptualize the strategic planning process as it relates to the primary determinants of sales and profits. Students will develop an integrated marketing campaign for a specific organization. Students also develop an in-depth understanding of the business and ethical problems marketing managers face in a global marketing environment, and explore various solutions to these problems. Prerequisite: EBKN 101.

MATN 261 - Statistics for Social Science Majors (3 credits)

Basic concepts in descriptive and inferential statistics, including measurement scales, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and distribution, correlation coefficients, linear regression, probability theory, binomial distribution, and parametric and nonparametric tests of significant differences. Introduction to hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: MATN 111 or examination.

Choose one of the following:

EBEN 101 - Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)

An introductory course covering issues relating to the economy as a whole. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, the study of national income and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), national income determination, investment, consumption and consumption theories; classical economic theories, Keynesianism, monetarism, rational expectations, supply-side economics; the business cycle, inflation, unemployment; money and the money supply, the banking system, the federal reserve system, monetary and fiscal policy, budget deficits and the national debt.

EBEN 102 - Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)

An introductory course covering issues relating to individual economic units: namely, the individual consumer, the individual firm, the individual factors of production—land, labor, and capital. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, price theory, price determination through equilibrium, supply and demand, analysis of consumer demand, utility theory and marginal utility, consumer equilibrium, indifference curve analysis, analysis of supply, theory of production, pricing in perfectly and imperfectly competitive markets, types of imperfect competition, anti-trust laws in the U.S., and distribution of income.

Two electives from the following (6 credits)

EBKN 201 - Consumer Behavior (3 credits)

Examines marketing from the point of view of various behavioral science concepts, relevant consumer research, and practical marketing applications. Also examines motivation, personality, perception learning, attitude formation, and the importance of group dynamics, social class and culture on behavior in the marketplace. Prerequisite: EBKN 101.

EBKN 202 - Marketing Research (3 credits)

Particular attention is given to clarifying the researchable issues, methods of research design and data gathering, data analysis, and the use of primary and secondary data in marketing strategy and decision making. Students will develop an integrated marketing campaign for a specific organization. Students are introduced to techniques of questionnaire design as well as basic statistics for the social sciences. Where appropriate, dedicated software for marketing research, especially SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), is utilized. Prerequisites: EBKN 101 and MATN 261.

EBKN 207 - Social Media Marketing (3 credits)

Social media technologies are transforming the ways
consumers interact with businesses. Now consumers
have greater opportunities to voice their opinions, and
connect with brands through various platforms. The
conventional approaches to marketing communications
have become more and more challenging. We will focus
on various social media platforms to engage consumers
and develop effective marketing strategies. Students
will get hands-on experience creating comprehensive
social media strategies for active brands and examine
how organizations capitalize on social media.

EBKN 315 - Advertising Marketing Management (3 credits)

Explores advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, sponsorship, direct marketing, e-commerce, and public relations. Students will choose a business plan from the many templates at and produce a campaign plan book integrating the concepts explored, as well as add social media marketing elements, such as a dummy Facebook page, Twitter account, as well as a web page. Prerequisite: EBKN 101.

EBKN 408 - Strategic Marketing Management (3 credits)

An in-depth exploration of strategic marketing such as target marketing, product development, pricing and competitive activity, developed and implemented in a realistic computer-based simulation, within the broader framework of business strategy. Prerequisites: EBKN 202 and senior standing.

EBMN 202 - Organizational Theory and Behavior (3 credits)

An examination of theories, concepts, and research findings emerging from the various disciplines that study individual and group behavior within organizational systems. Important topics include: work motivation, leadership and social influence, satisfaction, job performance, performance appraisal, group dynamics, communication, and current issues of particular interest. In addition students will be introduced to case study analysis. Prerequisite: EBMN 101.

EBMN 224 - Human Resource Management (3 credits)

Management and development of personnel, recruitment, selection, and training of employees. Management techniques and productivity factors including fringe benefits, profit-sharing, employeemanagement labor relations; current theories of human resources. Prerequisite: EBMN 101.

Credit will not be given for both EBMN 224 and EBMN 229.

EBMN 310 - Multinational Business Management (3 credits)

Detailed examination of the economic, cultural, political, and legal environment of multinational business, beginning with a historical review of the growth of international business and the development of institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, and the WTO. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of the European Union and emerging markets. The strategy and structure, and the financial environment, of international business and the mechanisms through which international capital markets operate are discussed. The final phase of the course deals with international business functions, including international marketing, human resources, accounting, and finance. Prerequisites: EBMN 101 and EBKN 101.

EBMN 320 - Entrepreneurship and Management of Small Businesses (3 credits)

Emphasizes entrepreneurship and successful smallbusiness management. Includes legal forms of ownership, franchises, commercial and governmental sponsors, starting or buying a small business, developing and writing a business plan, strategic planning, accounting, and financial considerations. Also covers purchasing and vendor analysis, production and inventory control, risk and insurance planning, human resource management, and marketing and sales. Includes using the computer, and advanced technologies to gain a competitive edge. Special focus on international opportunities for small business. Prerequisite: EBMN 101.