Psychology Minor
Required Courses (6 credits)
PSYN 101 - Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)
Psychology as a biological, behavioral, and social science. Topics include: critical and scientific analysis of human behavior, fundamentals of psychological research, biological bases of behavior, states of consciousness, learning, thought, memory and intelligence, social behavior and personality, mental health and adjustment, diagnosis and treatment of abnormal behavior.
One of the following:
PSYN 351 - Biological Psychology (3 credits)
The biological bases of behavior and methods of study. Topics include: anatomy and physiology of the nervous system and sense organs, drugs and behavior, sleep and dreaming, eating and drinking, memory and language, brain disorders and abnormal behavior. Prerequisite: PSYN 101 or BION 101.
PSYN 301 - Experimental Psychology (3 credits)
Methodological and experimental approaches to human behavior focusing on sensation, perception, learning, and memory. Experiments conducted in class, results analyzed, and scientific reports written. Students also design and write a proposal for an experimental project. Prerequisite: PSYN 101 and MATN 261.
Four Electives From the Following (12 credits)
PSYN 102 - Social Psychology (3 credits)
Social influences on values, attitudes, and behavior. Determinants of social perceptions and cognitions. Bases for friendship, love, prejudice, and anti-social behavior. Group dynamics involved in conformity, conflict and cooperation. Prerequisite or corequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 201 - Developmental Psychology (3 credits)
Stages of life: infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Mental, emotional, and personality changes during development, and the psychological hurdles overcome. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 205 - Psychology of Motivation (3 credits)
Motivation for human behavior from the basic psychological drives to higher drives such as achievement, self-fulfillment and altruism. Emphasis on contemporary research as well as classical theories. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 210 - Theories of Learning (3 credits)
Models of animal and human learning including classical and operant conditioning, as well as contemporary theories drawn from information processing and cognitive science. Applications to education, social and clinical psychology. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 221 - Industrial Psychology (3 credits)
Psychological techniques for selecting and training employees, enhancing morale of workers and improving their relationship with management. Psychology of marketing and advertising. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 231 - Psychological Testing (3 credits)
Theoretical and statistical foundations of psychological testing. Measurement of intelligence, aptitudes, academic skills, personality, and behavior. Includes formal and informal tests and rating scales. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 302 - Experimental Psychology II (3 credits)
More advanced research design and experimental approaches to human behavior including learning, perception, and problem solving. Scientific reports including possible honors thesis proposal prepared by students. Prerequisite: PSYN 301.
PSYN 310 - Theories of Personality (3 credits)
Description and assessment of personality. Classical approaches of psychoanalysis tract theory, humanism, behaviorism and cognitive theorists as well as contemporary research and practical applications. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 311 - Psycholinguistics (3 credits)
Psychology of language and the higher mental processes. Modern conceptions of syntactic, semantic, and lexical structure of language. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 312 - Cognition and Memory (3 credits)
Overview of approaches to thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. Memory theories and process and neurological underpinnings. Interplay of memory and cognition. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 314 - Group Dynamics (3 credits)
This course covers the theoretical background and the practical applications of small group processes. Factors that hinder or promote group development, effectiveness and productivity are discussed, and the necessary skills for effective group functioning are taught through experiential learning exercises. Fundamental topics, such as: Group Goals, Roles, Communication, Leadership, Conflict, decision-making and others will be covered. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 325 - Drugs and Behavior (Psychoactive Drugs) (3 credits)
Behavioral effects of biochemical mechanisms of psychoactive drugs, including prescription, recreational, and illegal drugs. Topics include psychopharmacological treatment of abnormal behaviors and moods, addiction and tolerance, and the treatment of addictions. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 326 - Forensic Psychology (3 credits)
The course provides an overview of the interface between psychology and the legal system. It covers the role and functions of the forensic psychologist, the nature and methods of forensic assessment, mental health evaluations in the criminal justice system and in civil law. It will also address such special topics as jury selection and eyewitness testimony. Prerequisite: PSYN 101; recommend PSYN 335.
PSYN 332 - History and Systems of Psychology (3 credits)
The origin of modern psychology within philosophy during the 19th century. Founding and growth of experimental psychology in Germany and its spread to the United States. Developments in psychoanalysis, Gestalt psychology, humanistic psychology, and behaviorism, and new trends. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 335 - Abnormal Psychology (3 credits)
[course description missing from catalog]
PSYN 340 - Introduction to Counseling and Therapy (3 credits)
Theories and techniques counseling. Course includes practice in interviewing and development of basic skills necessary for successful treatment. Prerequisite: PSYN 101. Strongly recommend PSYN 310 and PSYN 335.
PSYN 345 - Psychology of Health and Illness (3 credits)
This course will examine psychological influences on how people stay healthy, why they become ill, and how they respond when they are ill. Topics include the mind-body relationship, stress and stress management, chronic pain, headaches, biofeedback, the patient in various treatment settings. The course also examines changes in lifestyle and psychological issues faced by individuals dealing with stroke, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and AIDS. Prerequisite: PSYN 101.
PSYN 401 - Psychology of the Exceptional Child (3 credits)
Special problems of children who differ markedly from the average: mentally retarded, brain damaged, psychologically disturbed, sociopathic, physically handicapped, culturally deprived, and gifted children. Genetics, neuropsychological and sociological aspects, as well as causes, assessment, and remediation. Prerequisite: PSYN 101 (PSYN 335 strongly recommended).
PSYN 402 - Clinical Psychology (3 credits)
Overview of clinical psychology as both an art and a science. Roles of the clinical psychologist and the scientific foundations of assessment and treatment. Prerequisite: PSYN 101. Strongly recommend PSYN 340.
PSYN 420 - Eating Disorders (3 credits)
The etiology, description, and treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder associated with obesity. Relation between eating disorders and other psychopathology. Prerequisite: PSYN 101. Strongly recommend PSYN 335.