
Academics at Lander are challenging and rewarding. Our majors are few but focused, and tailored to your career paths. We have Honors Tracks & Pathway Programs to Touro schools in medicine, PT, PA, OT, and pharmacy that give you an accelerated or seamless transition to the next step toward your professional goals. We have a committed and accessible faculty here to support you and provide guidance.

No single major can teach you all you’ll need to know to thrive academically and professionally. The Lander core curriculum provides you with a general education and a broad base of knowledge across the natural and social sciences and humanities, with an emphasis on writing, research, and analytical skills.




Core Requirements

Core requirements vary slightly for day program and evening division students.

Day Program Core Requirements

Core requirements include nine courses equaling 27 credits, as follows:

  • LLE 101 and 102: English Composition I and II 6 credits
    Unless exempted by placement examination
  • LLE 223 or LLE 224: Survey of Western Literature I or II 3 credits
  • HIS 223 or HIS 224: Survey of Western History I or II 3 credits
  • HIS 155 or HIS 156: Survey of Jewish People I or II 3 credits
  • One semester of Mathematics 3 credits
    Cannot include MAT 111
  • One semester of a Liberal Arts & Science 3 credits
    Course must be outside of major department
  • One semester of Natural Science 3 credits
    For students not majoring in Natural Science
  • One semester of Social Science 3 credits
    For students not majoring in Social Science
  • MCO 140 or MCO 104: One semester of Computer Science 3 credits
    For students not majoring in that area

Evening Division Core Requirements

Evening division core requirements include the following courses:

  • COC 101: Fundamentals of Speech 3 credits
  • LLE 101 and102: English Composition I & II 6 credits
    Unless exempted by placement examination
  • LLE 201 orLLE 203: Advanced Expository Writing or Business Report Writing 3 credits
  • EBE 101, 102 or POL 101: Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics or American Politics 3 credits
  • One semester of Mathematics 3 credits
    Determined by placement examination
  • One semester of Natural Science 3 credits
  • MCO 140 or MCO 104: One semester of Computer Science 3 credits
  • Judaic Studies 3 credits per full-time semester
  • Intensive Talmud 3 credits per semester, 6 semesters post high-school

Graduation Requirements

In addition to the core curriculum, all students must satisfy the following degree requirements to graduate:

  • Completion of 120 College-approved credits
    BS Requirements:  60 credits of liberal arts and science
    BA Requirements: 90 credits of liberal arts and science
  • Completion of a major
    50% of major courses should be completed at the College
  • 45 credits completed in residency at the College
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.0; at least a 2.3 GPA in an approved major

Some departments may require examinations, additional course work, or a higher grade point average.

Additional Day Program Graduation Requirements

  • Completion of at least 3 credits of Intensive Talmud each full-time semester
  • Completion of JSL 187 Contemporary Problems in Jewish Law course
  • SPLN 501 Succeeding after College: Communications Workshop (0 Credits)

Additional Evening Program Graduation Requirements

You must document high-school graduation or the equivalent before you can be awarded a college degree.

If you are not enrolled in the Intensive Talmud Track of the Evening Program should meet with the Dean or Assistant Dean in order to review requirements for graduation.