The greater the challenge, the greater the payoff.

Graduating from Lander College for Men is itself an accomplishment of balance, intellect, and determination. Graduating with honors is a message. Future employers and graduate programs will immediately know that you are ambitious, determined, and exactly the kind of candidate they are looking for.

For students prepared to take on a more demanding workload, we offer several honors track options.

Honors Majors

The Psychology, Political Science, and Biology departments offer an Honors major. Speak with your faculty mentor and academic advisor about the requirements and benefits of these options.

Honors Program

The Honors Program is the most challenging academic and learning option we offer, as it includes more rigorous curricula in both Talmud studies and college courses. Honors Program students are exceptionally talented and dedicated learners—the very best of Lander College.

Limudei Kodesh Honors Program

With a rigorous beis medrash curriculum, the Limudei Kodesh Honors Program is designed for strong talmidim who want to further advance their Torah learning.

Honors Tracks

The Medical Honors Pathway is an intensive and rewarding curriculum that leads to a bachelor's degree from Touro and a medical degree from New York Medical College, provided you meet, and continue to meet, all requirements. As part of the program you will be mentored and counseled by Lander College and NYMC faculty and staff. Integrated honors track programs in Health Sciences, Osteopathic Medicine, and Pharmacy offer highly focused and challenging curricula for students set on a career in these fields. Graduates of our honors tracks receive priority admission to Touro’s related graduate and professional programs.